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The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


Kindergarteners Celebrate Melava Malkah


Melava Malkah Clip from HBHA Rampage on Vimeo.

On Sunday, March 9th, a landmark event occurred in the lives of HBHA kindergarteners: Melava Malkah. Melava Malkah is an important tradition at Hyman Brand that the kindergarteners remember for the rest of their lives. The purpose of Melava Malkah is to teach the youngsters through song about the value of Shabbat and present what they have learned to friends and family in a fun, 30-minute recital.

Kindergartener Ethan Hobbs shared that his, “favorite part about Melava Malkah is singing songs. My favorite is Shalom Aleichem and I had so much fun singing!”
Gabrielle Sosland told how she, “opened the whole thing in English,” and was “really excited to see (her) whole family there.”

Sherri Jacobs, mother of current Kindergarteners Rachel and Ezra, seventh grader Avi, and freshman Ariel, shares her thoughts following performance. “This is my tenth year of having children in the HBHA,” says Jacobs, “and to me, this event serves as a beautiful right of passage which encompasses the values of the school’s mission. Each year I cry as I watch these events, and imagine that if our ancestors were to observe this event, they too would cry tears of happiness to see that we are strengthening our links in the long Jewish chain. Really, the Melava Malkah reflects the amazing dedication and hard work of the kindergarten teachers”.

The hard work of the students and their teachers really did pay off, as the final adorable performance truly did move the entire audience.

To order a DVD copy of the performance, please visit: http://tinyurl.com/HBHADVDs 

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