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The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


Galit Israeli: Teaching Kids at HBHA to Love Jewish Studies, Torah, and Hebrew

Galit Israeli is a wonderful new addition to the HBHA faculty. Photo by Haidee Clauer

Galit Israeli is new to HBHA this fall, teaching 4th and 5th grade. Israeli was born in Russia, where she lived in Gomel. There, in first grade, she met Alex Israeli, who became her husband a year after they graduated from high school. Mr. and Mrs. Israeli made aliyah (literally “rising”; moving to Israel) in 1989. Israeli and her husband both attended Ben Gurion University in Be’er Sheva, Israel, where she studied Business Management and Human Resources. While in Israel, Israeli taught classes in business success.  She also helped Olim Hadashim (new immigrants) learn to speak Hebrew.

Israeli moved to Kansas City with her husband and three children in 2009, where she taught Hebrew at KU until last year.

Israeli is an enthusiastic and engaging teacher. Her favorite part of teaching at Hyman Brand is, “seeing the kids love Hebrew and Torah.” With her fourth grade Hebrew class, Israeli teaches with workbooks, games, and discussions to strengthen the students’ skills in writing, reading, speaking, and acting.

Israeli beamed as she said that she hopes “to be helpful- a person who brings meaningful things to the world. To continue to develop myself, and to continue to work on raising the kids who need my help and instruction.” Israeli aims to achieve success in both her job and in, “teaching kids at the HBHA to love Jewish Studies, Torah, and Hebrew.”


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