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The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


The Student News Site of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy


Podcast: Views and Opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Leah Sosland and Haidee Clauer


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Israel, needless to say, is an integral, even salient, facet of Jewish education at the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy. Inextricable from our thirteen years of Jewish learning is our schooling in Hebrew, in Israeli history, and in our own identifications with Israel. Inseparable from any conversation about Israel, however, is Palestine.

In an attempt to broaden the scope of our understanding of the history, opinions, and conversation about Israel, we have chosen to write and record a 3-part series revolving around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Part I was a condensed summation of what we found to be the most helpful snippets of the conflict’s history in understanding its impact on the world today.

In Part II, this podcast will endeavor to offer diverse perspectives and opinions on the conflict.

Part III will address the tenor of discourse around the conflict at HBHA.

We invite you to read, listen to, and engage with all three parts of the series, as we explore the complexities of Israel, Palestine, and the way each are discussed at HBHA.



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