Members of RamSlam, one of the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy (HBHA)’s lesser known clubs, has been working tirelessly this year to prepare for the ultimate competition of wits, rhythm, and rhymes. The annual slam poetry competition headed by Louder Than a Bomb took place at the Johnson County Library Central Branch on March 2nd. Lead by HBHA teacher Micah Margolies, juniors Haidee Clauer, Edan Cohavi, Joe Porter, Eliana Saidel, and freshmen Sara Saidel performed three individual pieces and one group poem, placing third in the competition.
Juniors Porter, Cohavi, and freshmen Saidel wrote/performed their solo poems. The group piece, written by Clauer, was presented by Porter, Cohavi, and Eliana and Sara Saidel. The other schools that participated in the competition were Olathe South and University Academy. Eliana Saidel said that her favorite part of the competition was “listening to the other schools poem and being able to showcase our own. It’s nice to be able to have new audiences.”

With an encouraging crowd and judgement-free setting,The atmosphere of the competition was relaxed, calm, and extremely supportive. Each team cheered for their own poets as well as other teams. Junior Haidee Clauer remarked, “There’s no filter– everyone lays out their honest thoughts and emotions, and the result is very riveting, and very powerful.” University Academy won first place, Olathe South placed in second, and Ram Slam placed in third. Both University Academy and Olathe South will be attending the next competition.
The Louder Than a Bomb poetry competition is a unique ways to teens around Kansas City to have a safe and supportive outlet to share their opinions, interests, and any other subject they choose to address in their poems. The Ram Slam club here at HBHA is one of hidden gems of HBHA. Hopefully next year, Ramslammers will enjoy another strong year with even more talented poets.